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Are you a curious kid or listener? Do you have a lot to say?
Spell it out with out our new Brains On Universe Fridge Magnets – put sentences together with magnets featuring key words from the BOU shows you love.
Take a few moments and relax, as you sit the kids down to listen to Brains On, Smash Boom Best, or Moment of Um, and know that this new tablet stand will keep your devices in place so you don't have to worry about cracked screens. Fair Market Value: $15
My authorization to withdraw my monthly gift from the account indicated shall remain in effect until I notify MPR that I wish to change it or end it, and MPR has ample time to act on my wishes. I understand if I choose Checking Account, my contribution will be processed on the next to last Thursday of the month, or the next business day. A record of each payment will appear on my monthly credit card or bank statement and will serve as my receipt. You must agree to these terms of agreement to continue.